Purchase & Inventory

Supplier Database enables the enterprise to track information related to a Supplier instantly. They can also store Bank Account details of the supplier.

Recording and Managing Purchase Order is possible using the system. The system records all the kind of Purchase order placed by an enterprise (local or imported). It also records the services purchased by an enterprise.

Material Received Costing allows the enterprise to calculate the costing of the material received through these Purchase orders. It allows the enterprise to not only record the price paid to the supplier but also record the Expense occurred in receiving this order from the Supplier

Serial Number Tracking enables users to serialize all inventory items and gives detailed information of each item which provides him absolute control over individual inventory items.

Inventory management features of the system allows the enterprise to initialize the Opening Stock Balance.

Stock Intake by the inventory is also recorded properly by the enterprise.

Stock Adjustment due to various inconsistencies can also be recorded in the system.

Reservation of certain types of goods in the inventory up to a certain level is also allowed in the system. The system records this as a lower limit which should not be affected by the Sales or any Stock Adjustment.

Weight and Date of Expiry for the item are stored as details in the Item database.

Purchase Return can also be recorded in the system.